Why do we need jdbc

One easy way to increase the flexibility of your code is to replace the Statement class with PreparedStatement , as shown in Listing 6. PreparedStatement replaces Statement 's hard-coded values with question marks? Using PreparedStatement s optimizes your code for reuse: a PreparedStatement is compiled only once, and can then be reused with a variety of parameters. As your code base grows, you simply insert new values into the statement, instead of hacking the string object itself.

Whenever an application has several updates to issue, doing them in batches can greatly benefit performance. The essence of batching is to take the multiple updates and collect them together, then issue them all at once. Transactions in relational databases allow for a set of updates to be wrapped in an interaction that either succeeds or fails altogether. The basics of using a transaction via JDBC are to tell the system to turn off auto-commit, and then manually tell the system to commit when you are done.

By default, auto-commit is on , which means whenever an executeUpdate or executeInsert is run, the command is committed. When connection. There are many more features in JDBC 4. Although every JDBC-compliant database offers the same core features for connecting and interacting with a database via SQL, some databases do more than others.

Here's an example:. Once you've got those commands down, you can begin to explore some of the more sophisticated options that have been built into JDBC. JPA requires more up-front work and a more sophisticated understanding of the application architecture, but it nets you a more consistent, isolated, and well-defined data access layer. See the companion to this article, " What is JPA? A JNDI name is a user-friendly name for an object. These names are bound to their objects by the naming and directory service that is provided by a J2SE server.

Is Jdbc a framework? Is Jdbc a protocol? This allows a direct call from the client machine to the DBMS server and is a practical solution for Intranet access.

What is a driver in computer? More commonly known as a driver, a device driver or hardware driver is a group of files that enable one or more hardware devices to communicate with the computer's operating system. Without drivers, the computer would not be able to send and receive data correctly to hardware devices, such as a printer.

Which type of JDBC driver is the fastest one? Didn't get the answer. About Us. Why do we use JDBC? Explain your answer with details Riya 02 Jan 1 Answer answer.

Kaustav 02 Jan Until we are just playing around with pseudocodes or simply written programmes which doesnot need to store or retrieve data from any place we donot require JDBC. That being said any applications which takes and provides data need a datastore or database as we say in simple doesnot matter what language you use in building the application needs a database connection nad the one we use in Java is JDBC A JDBC driver is a software component enabling a Java application to interact with a database.

Read More. View all vote's. No Vote. Services Consulting Education Modernization Outsourcing. Simply, JDBC makes it possible to do the following things within a Java application: Establish a connection with a data source Send queries and update statements to the data source Process the results The following figure shows the components of the JDBC model.

Although the Driver Manager can also be used to establish a connection, connecting through a DataSource object is the preferred method. A Connection object controls the connection to the database. An application can alter the behavior of a connection by invoking the methods associated with this object.


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