Who said open books not legs

The reading culture is less glorified in this epoch thanks to the Brobdingnagian amount of time folks spend to take photos and filter them with the hope of looking like Helen of Troy only to end up looking like the goddess of Halloween…. Do some of these chics actually apply all the content in a makeup kit at a go?

As if that is not enough.. You cant wait to get home to have a shower and scrub it all off with the new brush you will buy while doing your shopping at a mall that will have onlookers thinking you are advertising the makeup varieties stocked in your stall.. Back to opening books…. Note: Facebook is not even a book but you will find all these attention-craving feigned folks spending their entire day trying to show the whole world how their livers have incessantly survived seizures by processing alcohol without malfunctioning….

So they will take pictures holding ciroc bottles some Hennessey and they will say.. Girly Girl… You just got swallowed like a marshmallow because you were in a frenzy to take some local brew…. Or is it gurana or Blackice?

This is the point a smart lady will blatantly tell you how alcohol is their Achilles heels with inclined thoughts of declining free booze since they know for sure Alcohol makes their legs misbehave… So you ponder..

A philanderer will exclaim… because he just missed the opportunity to get laid on the day he got paid to buy her a drink! A guy will fake it all to blow a Girls mind if not sweep her off her feet with an ardent hope that she will blow him! Lets hit the gym guys lest wind blows us away from our love entanglements…. Love sick puppies would die on this day for sure. Bring back our reading culture….

Because its extinction is on the horizon and these Asinine sapiens will stop at nothing until they fill the world with a widespread species of cockamamie s who would rather blow a haemoglobin enthralled phallus than blow minds with their intellect…! Am not saying you become a Nun either! Twas such a reality check Marcel. Wide their legs spread, such are the inswingers of coitus.

Nice piece Marcel. Go getter. Like Liked by 1 person. Maingi i appreciate your feedback and indeed you are always upholding the reading culture…. By now you are well nurtured. Like Like. The poor chap…! No one wants to be Nerea. Haha Arita…. Pulling out a chair on thing… Pulling out the head of a lorry from an ocean is another… It still remains a hard ordeal!

I read books and apply all the makeup in the kit too. Good message although I disagree with some parts. Enough makeup is just alright…. Too much will make men turn to the right after seeing you… Or maybe they left already? Awesome piece Marcel! Dee i appreciate you reading the piece… It gives me peace that my audience is reached….

English has come home to roost and am hia to help you boost it too…. It was surely not in vail!! I appreciate you reading it phyll… Now thats what i call having my back… Al continue scratching your back with more articles…. This may be stale but believe me a smelly weave put me off a rather pretty chic.

The government needs to ban weaves! Blow minds, not guys. Prevoius Next. When people treat you like nothing, you begin to feel like nothing. People change. Late Money Time Togetherness. Never pay attention to the rumors and what they assume. Assume Attention Pay Rumor. Couple Hands Love Proud. My only wish is I die real cause that truth hurts and those lies kill. Boys will break your heart. Real men will pick up the pieces. To be understanding is more important than to be right.

Business Important Inspirational Right Understand. Before you give up, think of the reason you held on so long.


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